Hebrews 12:22–24: [22] But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, [23] and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, [24] and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. (ESV)
Hebrews is written by an unknown author to Jewish believers, probably before AD 70. This sermon or letter says that those who confess Christ are members of a new covenant which is superior to the old in every way because Christ, who enacts it, is superior. Christ is the great high priest after the order of Melchizedek who ministers before God Himself rather than before copies and shadows. Because of this, believers have every reason to live faith-filled lives full of hope and confidence and righteousness. The writer is concerned to impress upon his readers an exhortation to grow up and mature in their knowledge of the faith. He emphasizes the nature of Christ's ministry, especially his superiority relative to the Law of Moses and the Levitical priesthood. The writer is also concerned that the readers live in such a way as not to neglect or even reject the gospel that is filled with such wonderful and inspiring content. Readers today need to continue to grow in their knowledge and conformity to these things as well. The deeper understanding of who Christ is and what his relationship is to us is essential to understand and to continue to develop in order to demonstrate true faith and remain firm in it.
The Big Idea of Hebrews
I have taught the Big Idea of Hebrews as the following: Christ’s new covenant is superior to Moses’ old covenant.
An Outline of Hebrews
Hebrews 1-4 - Christ’s Superiority
Chapters 1-4 demonstrate Christ’s superiority. Chapter one describes Christ’s superiority to angels, citing the Father’s words about the Son as fundamentally different from anything said to the angels. Christ is the one through whom the Father created and by whose word the whole universe is upheld. Chapter two concludes from this that the message of Christ bears special attention. Jesus was made lower than the angels for a little while, but now he is the merciful and faithful High Priest who leads God’s people to glory. This Jesus, according to chapter three, is worthy of more glory than Moses, since Moses was a servant but Jesus is the Son. If God’s punishment of the Jews in the wilderness was severe for refusing to follow Moses, how much more will it be for those who refuse to follow Christ? Chapter four emphasizes that Christ is indeed a great high priest who offers Sabbath rest to God’s people. We can draw near to Christ’s throne for mercy and grace because He has drawn near to us. From Him we can receive grace and mercy in time of need.
Hebrews 5-7 – Christ’s Perfection as Priest
Hebrews 5-7 treat Christ’s perfection as a priest. In these chapters, the author describes how Jesus is different from other priests since He did not have to offer sacrifices for his own sins. Christ did not call Himself to be priest but was appointed one according to the order of Melchizedek. Many readers find the reference to Melchizedek confusing because the precise nature and identity of Melchizedek are mysterious. However, the point the author is making is not tied to Melchizedek’s identity but to God’s right to appoint whatever man as priest that He desires. Aaron did not make himself high priest, but was called by God. The Aaronic priesthood was not due to anything intrinsic in Aaron but to God’s choice of Him. God can, therefore, choose Christ to be a High Priest if He wishes, just like Melchizedek, who was a priest before Aaron was even born. Christ is high priest, then, not according to the order of Aaron, but Melchizedek, and this is equally legitimate because the one who appoints Christ as priest is the same God who had the prerogative to call Melchizedek and Aaron as priests.
Hebrews 8-10:18 - The Superiority of the New Covenant
Hebrews 8-10:18 outlines the reasons that the new covenant is superior to the old covenant. Chapter 8 explains that Christ’s ministry as priest is superior to others because Christ ministers in the temple that God Himself set up in Heaven rather than a copy of it made on earth. Christ also is priest of a covenant with superior promises that guarantee the kinds of changes that former covenants could not accomplish. Chapter nine outlines how Christ has entered once and for all into the holy places to cleanse the people by His own blood. The effect and power of Christ’s sacrifice are permanent. Chapter ten describes until verse 18 how Christ has accomplished by His sacrifice what could not be accomplished in others. Through Christ, sins can be forgiven forever such that there is no longer any offering for sin required.
Hebrews 10:19-13 - Live by faith as members of the new covenant
Hebrews 10:18 through the end of the book are about calling the readers to live by faith as members of the new covenant. Chapter ten calls the people not to succumb to cowardice or fear but to draw near to God through Christ and hold fast their shared confession. They must remain strong together. Chapter eleven, the “Hall of Faith,” reminds the readers of others who have gone before and what they suffered in hope of the perfected promises that believers now enjoy. Chapter twelve encourages readers not to be disheartened by discipline but to receive the correction as from their loving Heavenly Father. They can be strong rather than weak. Chapter thirteen ends the book by exhorting the people to love one another, to remain pure, to practice hospitality, and to submit to their leaders. The author also acts for prayer to act honorably in all things and pronounces a blessing upon the readers through Jesus Christ.
Benefits of Hebrews
Among Hebrews' many benefits, its ability to motivate worship of and gratitude for Christ is particularly strong. Christ is clearly portrayed as the one through whom the world was created and by whose words the cosmos is upheld. Christ is also the eternal high priest whose ministry makes the priesthood irrelevant. Christ’s sacrifice once and for all is also unique. In all, one can read Hebrews and be awed at just how crucial Christ is.
We may be tempted to rely at times on personal works for our salvation. But Christ’s work is so superior, so enduring, that our works for salvation look plain silly compared to His.
Hebrews is one of the more inspiring and motivating books in the New Testament. It has been called a sermon, and for good reason. It seems to be calculated to energize and strengthen the reader. There are plenty of Christians who could benefit from this inspiring look at the superiority of Christ.
But Hebrews also contains stark warnings for faithlessness to Christ. The covenant we are in is so superior, so much better, that people must take seriously whether they are truly in it or not. There is no room for false confession, false conversion, false Christianity. This covenant is it. There is no other that can offer peace with Christ. The book has the effect of calling out the falseness of inauthentic faith. Unbelievers masquerading as Christians should take heed.